Sister Lacie Conover
Serving in Porto Alegre North, Brazil and Newport Beach, Ca Mission Subscribe to my weekly lettersMy Story
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To Newport Beach, California
I finish the Home MTC and head off to Newport Beach, CA on March 16! I am a little scared, but mostly just excited to serve my Savior and bring souls unto Him!!
Follow Along
I am so excited for my mission!! There will many be ups and downs, and lots of fun as I bring the gospel of Jesus Chirst into the lives and homes of my brothers and sisters. Follow along!
hey guys:) week 1 of home mtc
Hi everyone welcome to my very first missionary email! Ahh Yay So I’ve been a missionary for a week and a half and I already understand why missionaries say it’ll be the best and worst years of your life. The MTC has been hard. Learning Portuguese is HARD. Staring...
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